Faceswap & state-of-the-art (SOTA)

This post is pending Intro: faceswap & deepfake Face swap refers to an activity in which a person's face is swapped with the face of another person. Deepface = deeplearning + fake. Deepfake is an advanced technology, but 96% ò Deepfakes videos have triolous content. Deepfake also targets political purposes, fraud and market manipulation. Traditional swap face - using opencv-dlib Facial landmark Detection Facial landmarks are used to localize and represent salient regions of the face. The pre-trained facial landmark detector inside the dlib library is used to estimate the location of 68(x,y)-coordinates that map to facial structures on the face. Each frame of the animation shows a Delaunay trianulation of the four points. Halfway through, the trianglulating edge flips showing that the Delaunay trianglulation maximizes the minimum angle, not the edge-length of the triangles. The final steps of face alignment to to consider corresponding triangles between the source fac...